Hill Cottage, Corolla, NC
6 BD | 5 BA
Yellow Lotus, Corolla, NC
6 BD | 4 BA
Arrowood House, Linden, VA 22642
Arrowood Cottage, Linden, VA 22642
2 BD |
Coral House, Corolla, NC 27927
3 BD |
Timber Lodge, McGaheysville, VA 22840
3 BD |
Listings presented on this page are the personal vacation homes owned by Property Collective agents or affiliates and offered as vacation rentals directly by the agent/owner or management company, if applicable. Listings are for marketing purposes only. Property Collective Partners LLC does not own, manage or represent the landlords or tenants of these properties. Property Collective Partners LLC is not responsible for the rental rates or the availability of individual listings, nor is Property Collective Partners LLC responsible for maintaining the listing rental availability as up-to-date. Property Collective Partners LLC cannot be held liable for the maintenance, upkeep or fitness for purpose of any listing provided below. Individuals interested in renting any property listed above must do so directly with the agent/owner or management company in accordance with the terms and conditions of any subsequent rental agreement with the agent/owner or management company, if applicable.
Property Collective is a full service real estate brokerage specializing in Northern Virginia and Washington DC residential home sales. Buying or selling a home in DC area? We'd love to work together!